Honorable young researcher award of Guilan province

Salar Basiri, CEO of the company has been selected Honorable young researcher award of Guilan province, in 2007, for his excellency in R&D and academic achievements.

Honorable young researcher award of the University of Guilan

In 2007, Salar Basiri , CEO of the company, was selected by University of Guilan Deputy of Research for Honorable young researcher award for his academic excellency in research activities.

PMBOK Certificate

The needs and requirement in the projects lead to study a training course in PMBOK project management by Salar Basiri, CEO of the Company,

Patent Workshop

Competitiveness in invention and innovation needs to renew our knowledge about rules and law in patent. So, Mr Salar Basiri, CEO of the Company has attended in the patent workshop.

Electronic Leitner Box

Electronic Leitner Box, is designed and produced and patented by Salar Basiri, CEO of the Company, in 2006. The invention could get Iranian National Elites Foundation 3rd level patent development grant.

Laser Distometer

This Patent is the first patent of Mr Salar Basiri, CEO of the Company and could receive Honourable Tehran City 4th Khwarizmi youth award in that year when he was a high school student.

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